Preparing for your treatments

  • DMK is the only company in the world to utilise the beneficial effects of transfer messenger enzymes. Enzymes are living substances that regulate health and work with certain minerals in the body to form a natural system of antioxidants that fight corrosive free radicals. Properly formulated, they can remove dead protein, toxins and other effluvia from the epidermis using a process called 'reverse osmosis'.

    Where some cosmetic facial treatments may only act on the surface of the skin, DMK Enzyme Treatments work with the skin. The enzymes aim to strengthen the structural integrity of the skin to create a healthy environment for cells to live and thrive in. Enzyme Therapy exercises facial muscles and works to leave the skin feeling firm

  • This gentle exfoliating, strengthening, and firming Enzyme Treatment is specifically designed for the body. Body Enzyme Therapy contours while encouraging the skin to perform better. It increases circulation and lymphatic drainage and strengthens and firm’s skin. It is excellent for cellulite, fluid retention, dry skin, poor circulation, as well as the treatment of ingrown hairs, pigmentation, stretch marks and acne on the body. Target your arms, breast, or chest, back, tummy, thighs, booty, and legs.

  • Contraindications

    This service should not be utilized with the following conditions.

    -Retinoids (discontinue 7 days prior to BioRePeel, otherwise, some flaking and tingling may occur.

    -Active bacterial, viral, fungal or herpetic infection

    -Pre-existing inflammatory dermatosis (psoriasis, atopic dematitis, pephigus, etc.)

    -Skin cancer, without being cancer free for a period of 3 years and direct written notice from physician

    -Pregnancy or nursing

    -History of drugs with photo-sensitizing potential

    -Use of Accutane within the last 6-8 months

    -Underwent any kind of surgery and not fully recovered

    -Aspirin Allergy

    5-7 Days Prior


    -Laser Hair Removal, waxing, chemical hair removal creams


    3-5 Days Prior


    -Topical retinoids


    -Other topical acids

    -any exfoliants

    Post Peel Instructions

    (Until the skin is fully healed and in tact)


    -Non mineral based makeup products

    -All AHA’s, BHA’s and retinol for 7 days

    -Laser hair removal, waxing, sunbeds, swimming and saunas for 7 days

  • Teen Facial: Nurturing Young Skin

    Teenage years often bring about changes in skin, influenced by hormones, lifestyle, and genetics. Our specialized Teen Facial is tailored to address the unique skincare needs of adolescents, offering a gentle and educational approach to promoting healthy skin.

    Key Elements of Our Teen Facial:

    1. Customized Skincare: Our facials are personalized to cater to individual skin types and concerns commonly experienced during adolescence, such as acne, excess oiliness, sensitivity, or occasional breakouts.

    2. Gentle Cleansing and Exfoliation: We use gentle, non-aggressive techniques to cleanse and exfoliate the skin, removing impurities, dead skin cells, and excess oil, promoting a clearer complexion.

    3. Deep Pore Cleansing: Our treatment includes thorough extraction to remove any existing blackheads or congestion from the pores, reducing the likelihood of future breakouts.

    4. Hydration and Nourishment: We focus on providing the skin with essential hydration and nourishment, using suitable products to maintain a balanced and healthy complexion without stripping the skin’s natural oils.

    5. Education and Skincare Tips: Our experienced estheticians provide valuable guidance on proper skincare routines, emphasizing the importance of regular cleansing, sunscreen application, and selecting suitable products for their skin type.

    Benefits of Our Teen Facial:

    • Improved Skin Confidence: By addressing common teen skin issues, our facials aim to boost self-confidence and promote a positive relationship with skincare.

    • Reduced Breakouts: Regular treatments can help minimize acne and breakouts, leading to clearer and smoother skin.

    • Education for Lifelong Skincare: We empower teens with knowledge about skincare practices that they can carry into adulthood, fostering healthy habits for the long term.

    At Salon Zuberenz, we understand the significance of nurturing young skin and helping teens achieve healthy, radiant complexions. Our Teen Facial offers a safe and supportive environment for adolescents to embark on their skincare journey, promoting confidence and self-care.

  • Sugaring & Waxing

    To ensure a successful waxing experience, please read and follow these instructions.

    WARNING: sugaring is never done on clients taking Accutane and is not recommended for clients taking Retin A, Renova, Differin or other types of skin thinning acne medications. Please read the label carefully and consult your dermatologist if you are taking any medication or using any topical cream that contains these medications. Individuals do react differently to these medications and sometimes waxing can be done if proper patch testing is completed.

    • Accutane (Acne medication) – You must be off this medication treatment course a minimum of 6 months prior to sugaring.

    • Adapalene (Acne medication)

    • Alustra (Retin A)

    • Avage (See Tazorac – Acne medication)

    • Avita (See Retin A)

    • Differin (Acne medication)

    • Isotretinoin (See Accutane)

    • Renova (See Retin A)

    • Retin A (Acne and Anti-aging medication)

    • Tazarac (Acne medication)

    • Tazarotene (See Tazorac)

    • Tretinoin (See Retin A)

    CAUTION: If you are currently using any of the following, please inform your technician. These products can make the skin more sensitive. Thin, sensitive skin is more vulnerable to lifting and sensitivity during waxing.

    • Other Acne medications not listed above

    • Bleaching agents for hair (used mostly for upper lip)

    • Bleaching agents for pigmentation of skin (Hydraquinone, Trilumena)

    • Previous chemical depilatories such as Nair

    • Benzoyl Peroxide (ProActive)

    • Alpha Hydroxy Acids (Glycolic, Lactic)

    • Oral Antibiotics

    • Topical Antibiotics

    • Retinol

    • Salicylic Acid

    • Other exfoliants

    PRECAUTIONS & CONSIDERATIONS: Please read these valuable guidelines.

    • Sunburned, irritated or areas with open skin cannot be sugared.

    • You must wait a minimum of seven (7) days before sugaring after a light chemical peel or Microdermabrasion.

    • Sugaring cannot be performed if you have had laser skin resurfacing within the past 6 months.

    • If irritation should occur, recommend you use an antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin to keep the area continually moist to avoid infection and scabbing.

    • No hot baths for 24 hours following a body sugaring treatment.

    • No abrasives for 24 hours following a sugaring treatment.

    • No deodorants for 24 hours following an underarm sugaring treatment.

    • Women may experience extra sensitivity to sugaring up to a week prior to the beginning of their cycle. It is recommended to come within the 5 days from the end of your period

  • While brow lamination and Lash Lifts are popular treatments, it may not be suitable for everyone.

    Certain conditions may pose risks or interfere with the effectiveness of the procedure.

    It’s essential to be aware of contraindications before opting for this treatment to ensure safety and desired results.

    Brow Lamination Contraindications:

    1. Skin Sensitivities: Individuals with highly sensitive or irritated skin around the brow area may experience increased discomfort or adverse reactions during or after the procedure.

    2. Recent Eye Surgery or Eye-related Conditions: Those who have undergone recent eye surgeries or have any eye-related conditions should avoid brow lamination to prevent any potential complications or discomfort.

    3. Skin Infections or Open Wounds: Presence of skin infections, open wounds, cuts, or sores in the brow area can increase the risk of infection and discomfort during the procedure. It’s advisable to wait until the area is fully healed before undergoing brow lamination.

    4. Allergic Reactions or Allergies to Ingredients: Individuals with known allergies to the products used in the lamination process, such as the adhesive or perming solutions, should avoid this treatment to prevent allergic reactions or complications.

    5. Pregnancy or Breastfeeding: As a precautionary measure, pregnant or breastfeeding individuals are often advised to avoid cosmetic treatments, including brow lamination, due to the sensitivity of the skin and the potential risk of exposure to certain chemicals used in the process.

    6. Chemotherapy or Recent Radiation Therapy: People undergoing chemotherapy or who have recently received radiation therapy should consult with their healthcare provider before undergoing any cosmetic procedures, including brow lamination.

    7. Skin Disorders or Inflammation: Individuals with skin disorders like eczema, dermatitis, or other inflammatory conditions in the brow area should avoid brow lamination due to the potential exacerbation of these conditions.

    Lash Contraindications:

    o Cataract (a clouding of the natural lens in one or both eyes leading to decreased vision)

    o Cysts (A dust is a lump of the upper or lower eyelid caused by obstruction and inflammation of an oil gland of the eyelid. )

    o Diabetic Retinopathy (a medical condition in which damage occurs to the retina due to diabetes)

    o Glaucoma

    o Herpes Simplex

    o Blepharitis (An ocular condition characterized by chronic inflammation of the eyelid )

    o Hordeola/Stye/Styes (A small collection of puss/abscess on the eyelid )

    o Skin Disease, Skin Trauma, Cuts, Abrasions, Burns, and Swelling in the immediate area.

    o Skin Disorders in the general eye area. (Dermatitis, Xanthelasma, Syringoma )

    o Eye Infections (Impetigo, Conjunctivitis )

    o Eye Inflammation (Uveitis )

    o Recent surgeries around the eyes, head, or face.

    o Scar Tissue

    o Watery Eyes

    o Hypersensitive Skin/Eyes

    o Keratitis (Inflammation of the cornea of the eye )

    o Cancer or those undergoing Chemotherapy

    o Alopecia (Loss of hair )

    o Trichotillomania (Classified as an impulse control disorder )

    o Bells Palsy or any condition that makes closing or opening the eye(s) difficult.

    o Any disease/disorder that causes shaking twitching or erratic movements.

    Contraindications and Special Care that Require a Doctor’s Referral:

    o Pregnant & Breast-Feeding (recommend waiting 72 hours after service to resume nursing)

    o Recent Lasik Surgery

    o Dry Eye Syndrome

    o Glaucoma

    o Post Chemotherapy

    o Vitamins/Hormones

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
